The South West Rugby Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) is an area of land within the Rugby Local Plan that has been allocated for 5,000 homes, primary and secondary schools, new neighbourhood centres, extensive new green and blue infrastructure and key highways infrastructure that will bring improvements to the wider Rugby area.
The land is owned by a range of landowners and developers including Homes England, Taylor Wimpey, L & Q, Tritax Symmetry and Richborough Estates. Homes England acquired parts of the site as part of its 5-year plan, representing one of a number of significant nationwide acquisitions that have stalled in the planning process.
As part of their interventions, the body have tasked the design team to coordinate the various development and application proposals under a common framework through which principles of design quality, placemaking and sustainable development are promoted. The masterplan framework will provide the vehicle through which distinctive, high-quality places and neighbourhoods can be delivered in the long term for this significant site.
The team were appointed under the Homes England 2019-2023 Multidisciplinary Panel and will be working with Wood Plc, Savills and Space Syntax on its delivery. The framework has been designed to offer services to the public sector for developments across the UK to increase the pace, scale and quality of development and accelerate delivery of new homes in areas of greatest demand.