AFL Architects | AFL at Healthcare Estates 2019
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AFL at Healthcare Estates 2019

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Visiting Healthcare Estates this year on the 8-9thOctober? Why not join AFL Architects on Stand E44, where once again we are bringing something a little different to the floor of Manchester Central.

Never content with the usual approach, our stand will be transformed into one large drawing board, encouraging you to contribute to a collective infographic.

Our healthcare work will be showcased alongside the facts and statistics that influence how new healthcare projects are developed.

Through sketched data, our stand will explore the budget that guides the NHS, the Long-Term Plan that drives it, and how the NHS is staying sustainable and responsive within a rapidly changing population.

We have also designed the stand to be wipe clean and reusable, as we are mindful of the typical waste that is produced by one-off conference events.

"This year we want to drive the conversation forward. The healthcare sector is facing unprecedented challenges and the only way to overcome them is by understanding underlying trends. We’re all noticing the changing priorities of estate and clinical teams and it’s important to take advantage of our diverse strengths and see if there’s a way to make our architecture work harder. Creativity and collaboration thrive under constraints."

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