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Planning Granted for Little Lever Library and Health Centre

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The new Little Lever Library and Health Centre, joint commissioned by Bolton Council and NHS Bolton CCG, has been granted planning permission.

The new community development incorporates 3 GP practices providing routine primary medical services and support for long-term conditions as well as offering access to a wider range of other primary care services such as clinical pharmacists, physiotherapists and mental health practitioners who can all act as a first point of contact for patients.

More information about the project can be found here.

In addition to the main facilities, the interior layout has multi-use rooms and shared office space designed to create integrated working.

It will facilitate a holistic, seamlessly integrated, individually tailored package.

With high demand for computers and community-led spaces in the existing Little Lever library, the flexible layout of the new space will enhance the village's facilities.

"We want this new centre to be a true home away from home for residents, providing Little Lever with much improved community amenities. Internally, it was important for us to create identifiable but flexible spaces that could be open to interpretation. We’re delighted this new development has been granted planning and look forward to it becoming a reality."
Rizwana Osman, Architect
Brick building with tree and carpark

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