AFL Architects | Penrhos Business Units, Phase 2
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Penrhos Business Units, Phase 2

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The Isle of Anglesey County Council, completed the development of 10 units at the site immediately to the west of the proposed development in 2020.

The proposed development effectively forms a second phase of this development. This site is located in the town of Holyhead, on the south east corner of Penrhos Industrial Estate.

The scheme includes the development of 982 m2 of employment floor space with associated access, parking and landscaping. The scheme comprises 7 employment units

Supporting the Energy Island Programme and the Enterprise Zone. It will bring forward further employment development next to the recently completed employment units (Phase 1) and will support the delivery of employment land within a safeguarded employment site at Holyhead, an identified Urban Service Centre.


The scheme is supported by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal which shows the acceptability of the site and mitigation measures required.

The design of the units complements the existing industrial/commercial area. The proposed development includes landscaping proposals and is effectively screened from views from the AONB by the Phase 1 development.


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